Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My Beautiful Bins.....The Toy Bin

Beautiful Bins - The Toy Bin

This week is dedicated to the bins in my living room that have helped my family stay organized & kept me sane. I call them my beautiful bins and today's beautiful bin is my daughter's toy bin.

My daughter enjoys her toys and when it's play time she takes joy in taking out every toy she has and spreading them across my living room floor (she's 18 months). After playtime,  I noticed the amount of time I was spending putting her toys away in her room (which is on the 2nd floor of my home). I realized that it didn't make sense to keep walking up & down the steps when she was going to take them out again tomorrow!

I was looking through my Real Simple magazine and I read how you can use bins to organize almost any area of my home and I had an "ah ha" moment...."Why not get a toy bin!?"

The bin that saved the day......

A wicker bin that I purchased from World Market for $35.00. It sits in the corner of my living room blending in perfectly with my décor & its perfect for small toy storage. Keeps us clean & organized.

Best $35.00 I ever spent.

Be happy. Be Organized. Just B.


P.S. Tomorrow's Beautiful Bin - The Shoe Bin.....

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