Wednesday, August 14, 2013

About Me: Organized Alaina

Hi, I'm Alaina and I'm an organizational junkie.

However, I'm also a wife, a mother, and an entrepreneur (check out I'm involved in my church ( and I'm involved in my community.  Most of the time I feel like I'm being pulled in 12 different directions (usually because I am) and I used to be  very hard on myself for losing my keys, forgetting a birthday and, in my personal opinion, not spending enough time with my daughter. In my teen years, I had always been so organized and efficient (it's passed down from my mother), however, I felt like I was losing it in my adult life. 

I realized I needed a heightened level of organizational skills to accompany my super busy life. So, I started to research, read books, look up youtube videos, & subscribe to magazines. I indulged in browsing the organizational aisles of Office Max, Home Depot, & Wal-Mart. I begin implementing subtle shifts in the way I organized my home & my family. And I realized.....I don't just like to be organized, I love the entire process of organization! 

Organizing is my passion. It relaxes me and gives me a sense of peace. I thought its absolutely necessary to extend to everyone the serenity & success found in maintaining an orderly life. Be inspired.

Be encouraged. Be Organized. Just B.


My Youtube Channel:

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